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A WeFIX specialist

will be with you

WeFIX Building Services

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WeFIX builders are highly experienced professionals specialising in small building works. We undertake a range of internal and external works, and can undertake any small building tasks you require. Our work is fully insured and always carried out to a high standard.


Our local Builder is awaiting your call!

What customers say:

Came home from work to a kitchen catastrophe with water everywhere. Panic set in and then I discovered WeFix.

From that moment on, I felt in safe hands as their manner was polite and professional, whilst instilling a sense of trust and calm. The engineer kept me constantly updated with where he was and what time he would be with me, and he kept to his word. Most importantly of all, the work was done efficiently and with the minimum of fuss. 

Should I experience any more kitchen chaos, I shall know exactly who to call!!!


Have a couple of minutes? 


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Don't know where to start?

We are always there for you, give us a call and lets chat! It's as easy as that!

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